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Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 26 secs
What is really new in the Revelation? And how much of it is really old, that is, already found in the Old Testament? The Book of Revelation has no direct quotations from the Old Testament, but it has about 550 references back to the Old Testament. The majority of the things found in the first twenty chapters of the Book of Revelation are found elsewhere in the Old Testament. Only the last two chapters deal with things totally new...
Duration: 53 mins 35 secs
The First Epistle of Peter begins with information about the author, the recipients, and their location. The author is Peter who identifies himself as an apostle. The original Greek does not contain an article and therefore emphasizes the qualitative nature. As an apostle, he has the authority of the shepherd over the sheep. This is the third of the five Hebrew Christian or Messianic Jewish epistles. These five epistles were written to meet specific needs of the Jewish believers who were scattered as a result of the persecution that arose after the death of Stephen....
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 35 secs
The Postmillennialist equation of the Church with Israel is the presupposition by which prophetic passages in both testaments are interpreted. On that basis, Postmillennialists deny that there is to be a final restoration of Israel into the land. Many prophetic passages that speak of the Jews or Israel are interpreted as being, or will be, fulfilled in the Church. Hodge presents six arguments why there can be no final restoration of Israel to the land...
The basic, overall purpose of the book is to defend the traditional dispensational interpretation of Ezekiel 38:39. As a result of the fall of the Soviet Union, the question has been raised in many circles as to whether this traditional interpretation can still be maintained. While some have abandoned that traditional interpretation, the author does not and insists that the traditional identification of Russia is correct...
Closely connected and intertwined with Israel’s election are the four unconditional covenants God made with the nation. An unconditional covenant can be defined as a sovereign act of God whereby God unconditionally obligates Himself to bring to pass definite promises, blessings, and conditions for the covenanted people. It is a unilateral covenant...