Thomas Ice

Thomas Ice

Role: Executive Director of The Pre-Trib Research Center

Dr. Ice is Executive Director of The Pre-Trib Research Center. He founded The Center in 1994 with Dr. Tim LaHaye to research, teach, and defend the pre-tribulational rapture and related Bible prophecy doctrines.

Dr. Ice has co-authored about 30 books, written hundreds of articles, and is a frequent conference speaker. He has served as a pastor for 15 years. Dr. Ice has a B.A. from Howard Payne University, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. from Tyndale Theological Seminary, and is a Doctoral Candidate at The University of Wales in Church History. Dr. Ice lives in Justin, Texas with his wife Janice and is a member of the Chafer Theological Seminary faculty.

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A few years ago I wrote an article about salvation in the tribulation in the Pre-Trib Perspectives (Vol. IV, No. 2; May 1999) I want to revisit this question in order to deal with some additional aspects of this issue I want to deal with the belief that one who has heard the Gospel and rejects it before the Rapture will thus be unable to be saved in the Tribulation I am in strong disagreement with this view...
Passage: Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14
In order to make sense out of end-times Bible prophecy one must first understand what happened at the beginning in order to know where we are headed and why. Although mankind is intricately involved in history, one cannot understand the purpose and goal of history without God’s revelation of the angelic dimensions. The starting point begins with Satan’s declaration of independence from God shortly after the creation...
What you believe about Bible prophecy greatly impacts how you live in the present. Even though this is true, it does not appear to by widely believed or understood by the majority of American Christians. Bible prophecy beliefs today are too often thought to be peripheral matters of personal preference. Yet, 60% of the New Testament cannot be expounded without making interpretative decisions about matters relating either directly or indirectly to Bible prophecy...
Apparently our belief and proclamation of dispensational, pretribulationism has made a great impact upon, not just the religious community, but society in general. There have been a rash of articles and some books that propagate the idea that people who believe in the rapture, a coming tribulation and the modern state of Israel are dangerous people. The alleged danger, according to some, lies in the supposed fact that our simple belief in such views could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. How could this be brought about? ...
Many Christians today believe there are signs pointing to an imminent rapture of the church. However, the rapture is a signless event; thus, there are not and never will develop signs of the time indicating that the rapture is near. This is true because the rapture is imminent, it could happen at any moment and no prophesied event must take place in order for the rapture to then occur. It is impossible for an imminent event to have signs. If signs are related to an event then it would indicate that it was near or not near, and thus could not happen until after the signs were present. Thus, signs would have to precede the event, ...