Recently with the release of the new Left Behind movie, the blogosphere was flooded with anti-pre-trib rapture posts from a number of famous leaders and many not-so-famous ones as well. Many of these articles were either from or directed to the under forty-age class of Evangelical Christians. Many stated that pretribulationism is wrong and not taught anywhere in the Bible, usually without citing any biblical support for their declaration. Most of the pundits suggest that one can go and enjoy the movie but do not fall for the underlying premise that it could in any way actually take place in real history...
One of the tactics used by some anti-Christian Zionists is to say that most modern Jews are not true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This errant theory is based upon wrong conclusions that they have drawn from the history of a medieval nation in which some converted to Judaism. Khazaria was a nation composed largely of Turkish stock that lived between the Black and Caspian Seas during the seventh to tenth centuries. Some holding to replacement theology and many neo-Nazis are attracted to this theory in which they conclude that the Jews are not really Jews...
Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:52
t is not unusual for some posttribulationists to think that they have fired a silver bullet which they believe destroys the possibility of the pretribulational rapture teaching. That shot is usually thought to be in the form of the argument relating to "the last trumpet" as found in 1 Corinthians 15:52. Even though some think they have found a slick and simple solution to the timing of the rapture, they fail to realize that the New Testament teaching concerning this issue is more sophisticated than that.
Former Clinton advisor and commentator Dick Morris announced: "On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London." That is an amazing statement and a tragedy if true. One of my best friends in the ministry, with whom I have co-authored two books, Mark Hitchcock wrote a book, which was finished before last November’s election, entitled The Late Great United States. There are two other books listed on with similar titles. Why are many concerned that our great country is on the verge of extinction? ...
Passage: Ephesians 5:25-27
One of the most significant influences within Evangelicalism the last twenty-five years has been the reemergence of "latter rain" theology. Yet, many are not even aware that such an influence exists within modern Christianity. Latter rain theology is sweeping the charismatic movement and revivalist evangelicals who believe that a global revival will take place before Christ will be allowed to return at the second advent. Popular movements such as the Vineyard Churches, Promise Keepers, and likely a majority of charismatic churches and organizations imbibe deeply from the fountain of latter rain theology. In this series of articles I want to trace the rise and development of the restoration and latter rain teachings that have been around for at least the last two hundred years. Then, I want to explain why these views are unscriptural and are having a negative impact upon the literal interpretation of Bible prophecy...