Most of you have most likely heard the recent public declarations coming from all quarters that Islam is a peaceful religion. From President Bush, to most religious leaders, to the average American calling in to a talk radio program, we are hearing that Islam is a peaceful religion. It is said that Osama bin Laden and the Taliban represent an extremely radical Muslim fringe that is not really a representative interpretation of true Islam. It may be that such an assessment is, to a small degree, more extreme than historic Islam. However, it is certainly not true that Islam is in any way a peaceful religion, especially toward outsiders...
What do you think of the modern state of Israel? Hardly a day passes without seeing this small country, about the size of New Jersey, in the newspaper or on television news. Why? Because Israel is God’s elect nation and He is preparing her and the world for "a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall" (Matt. 24:21). The emphasis is upon preparing, because we are still in the church age and not yet in the seven-year tribulation...
I recently returned from a trip to Germany where I spoke at a prophecy conference. Many of the Germans were interested in the role of Europe in Bible prophecy and if the European Union could relate to the coming Antichrist kingdom. I told them that I thought the EU is probably some kind of preparation for the Antichrist’s kingdom during the tribulation. I told them that I would expect the United States to eventually become less involved in trying to solve the problem of Israel in the Middle East and see the EU become increasingly involved. I was home only a day or two when I read the following headlines on the Internet: "EU expecting role in Israel’s security." ...
1992 is witnessing a plethora of attempts to set the date for the rapture. Most of these schemes use the Fall Feasts of Israel's annual seven feast cycle in some way to set the month and day of the rapture. Then they may use cycles of feasts combined with other schemes to arrive at the year, usually 1992 or 1993. Some of the dates I have seen suggested include August 1992; September 8, 1992; September 28, 1992 (the most popular); October 28, 1992; Fall 1993...
Many today are surprised to find out that a majority of the advocates of dispensational pretribulational premillennialism before World War I were from Presbyterian circles. James Hall Brookes (1830-1897) a well-known Presbyterian minister in his day is considered the father of American pretribulationism and dispensationalism. Brookes was one of the first to teach the pre-trib rapture and the accompanying dispensational truths in post-Civil War America. His ministry was characterized by devotion to a verse-by-verse biblical exposition of Scripture and a robust assertion and defense of the full and inerrant inspiration of Holy Writ...