Over the years I have noticed an argument against pretribulationism which goes something like the following: "The New Testament teaches that we will suffer persecution and tribulation as followers of Christ, therefore, I believe the Church will go through the tribulation." The New Testament does teach that Believers will suffer persecution and tribulation, but it does not follow that because of this the Church will go through the tribulation...
Passage: Zechariah 12-14
In January of this year I taught a course on Eschatology (Bible Prophecy) in Orange, California at Chafer Theological Seminary. Since preterist Ken Gentry lives only a few miles from Chafer Seminary, I invited him to come and speak to our class. Even though Chafer Seminary is dispensational, I thought it healthy to expose our students to the exact opposite of our views with Dr. Gentry's visit. Dr. Gentry was gracious enough to come in and give a presentation of his preterist views on the Book of Revelation to our class. Even though I just completed a long series on Preterism in Pre-Trib Perspectives, I want to revisit the issue at least once more...
Two Lawyers from Bavaria recently ask a German government minister to re-classify the Bible as a book considered too dangerous for children because of its violent content. "It preaches genocide, racism, enmity towards Jews, gruesome executions for adulterers and homosexuals, the murder of one's own children and many other perversities," wrote Christian Sailer and Gert-Joachim Hetzel. The duo further charged that God's Word contained "bloodthirsty and human rights-violating passages" and want it placed on a list of books unsuitable for children until the offending passages are removed, So much for liberal tolerance!
I recall a conservative political commentator saying that the Democratic Party was the "A" team, while the Republicans were the "B" team on the road to socialism. Boy, oh boy was that a truism. Things are moving so fast in the last six months that stage-setting events are happening so fast that no one person can keep up with events. Prophecy is on fast-forward! ...
Many who study prophecy are well aware of the predictions fulfilled by Christ at His coming. Those who study prophetic events destined for the future like the rapture, the tribulation and the many events associated with it, the second coming, and the millennial reign of Christ are usually informed in detail about these things. However, many of us are usually not knowledgeable about how Bible prophecy has and is being fulfilled in regards to the course of Israel’s destiny during her current dispersion among the nations. There are specific prophecies that provide a general overview of Israel’s diaspora...