As sales and influence continues to grow in the Left Behind series, so does jealous opposition and criticism. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, authors of the multi-million, number one bestsellers, do not attack anyone else’s views of Bible prophecy. They merely present their views in novel form...
Passage: Revelation 4:4
An important interpretative issue in the Book of Revelation revolves around the identity of the 24 elders. Who the 24 elders represent can be very important in regards to the pre-trib rapture...
Passage: Daniel 9:24-27
One of the most important prophecy passages in the whole Bible is that of God’s prophecy given to Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27. This passage constitutes one of the most amazing prophecies in the entire Bible. If worked out logically, this text is both seminal and determinative in the outworking of one’s understanding of Bible prophecy.
I often encounter people that want to talk with me or receive information in the mail about why they believe the rapture will come soon or on a certain date. They often have complicated schemes and reasons why they believe they are right, even though everyone has been wrong in the past. One of the key features of the pre-trib rapture is that it is signless, ...
Passage: Genesis 12:1-3
I am teaching Genesis 12 and the call of Abram.[1] Genesis 12:1–3 is a passage I have studied many times over the years, however, recently I have come to realize that the promises in the first three verses of chapter 12 are on the same level as the foundational statements by the Lord in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. This clearly means that one’s treatment of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants is a major foundational principle for an individual or a nation to consider as one of the responsibilities that God has given to all mankind...