Tom’s Perpsectives

May 2018 - Jul 2018
Passage: Revelation 12
Down through church history virtually all Christian interpreters of Revelation 12 have understood the symbol of the woman in labor as the church. This began to change about 200 years ago when literal hermeneutics were more rigorously applied to the Book of Revelation and Bible Prophecy in general. It took this long for some within the church to begin to overcome the stranglehold that replacement theology or supersessionism had on the church...
One of the biggest stories of the last year or so has been the recognition within the public square that a new round of anti-Semitism is gaining momentum, seemingly all over the world...
Passage: James 1:22-25
Tim LaHaye was an amazing servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. Tim went home to be with his Lord via death (he had always hoped to go via the rapture) on July 25, 2016, two days after suffering a massive stroke from which he never regained consciousness...
Passage: Acts
Virtually all students of the Bible would acknowledge that the Book of Acts is a transition from Israel to the Church, as God’s instrument through whom He uses to spread His message. There are three major passages that should be understood in order to properly grasp what this transition is about...
The first six months of the Barack Obama administration has witnessed a 180-degree U-turn in American foreign policy toward Israel when compared with most of the previous presidents of the last fifty years. Obama promised "change" and that is exactly what he has produced in the area of American relations with Israel...