Tom’s Perpsectives

May 2018 - Jul 2018
Passage: Genesis 12:1-3
I am teaching Genesis 12 and the call of Abram.[1] Genesis 12:1–3 is a passage I have studied many times over the years, however, recently I have come to realize that the promises in the first three verses of chapter 12 are on the same level as the foundational statements by the Lord in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. This clearly means that one’s treatment of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants is a major foundational principle for an individual or a nation to consider as one of the responsibilities that God has given to all mankind...
Passage: Ezekiel 40-48
A common objection to the consistent literal interpretation of Bible prophecy is found in Ezekiel’s Temple vision (Ezek. 40–48). Opponents argue that if this is a literal, future Temple, then it will require a return to the sacrificial system that Christ made obsolete since the prophet speaks of "atonement" (kiper) in Ezekiel 43:13, 27; 45:15, 17, 20. This is true!
Joel Richardson and some others have been teaching for about the last decade that the coming Anti-Christ will be a Muslim. He has written a number of books advocating this view. His latest offering is The Islamic Antichrist.[1] The bulk of his argument is based upon a comparison of Christian and Islamic eschatology from which he draws certain conclusion. Then he goes secondarily to the Bible in an effort to deal with passages that contradict his conclusion...
Benjamin Netanyahu in his book, A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World, recognizes American William Eugene Blackstone (1841–1935) as one of the most outstanding examples of a Christian Zionist. Netanyahu notes that such Christian activity antedates the modern Zionist movement by at least half a century." (Actually, Christian Zionism dates back to the late 1500s in England.)
Last month I attended a 10-day Christian Leadership Seminar on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel, which is a museum and study center documenting the Nazi crime of the murder of over six million Jews. The Christian Friends of Yad Vashem hosted the conference for about 30 Christians from a number of countries ...