Passage: Daniel 9:26
About fifteen years ago I did a 25,000-word series over a two-year period on the seventy weeks of Daniel (Dan. 9:24–27). In those essays I took the phrase, “and have nothing” as a reference to the kingdom. “Certainly Christ gained what was intended through His atoning death on the cross as far as paying for the sins of the world,” I wrote...
Christian defender of our biblical faith, Dave Hunt (1926–2013) went home to be with our Lord on April 5, 2013 after a series of various illnesses. I greatly loved and respected Dave as one of the most sincere and genuine believers I have ever personally known. He was foreword thinking on many issues and was on more than one occasion the first Christian to spot a trend developing within Evangelicalism. Dave Hunt will be greatly missed by so many of us in the days ahead...
Over the years I have had hundreds of discussions with many people about the timing of the rapture. Of course, I strongly believe that the New Testament indicates that the Church will be raptured before the tribulation. One of the key reasons I think this is because I believe the Bible teaches that the rapture is a distinct event from Christ's second coming to the earth. In any consideration of the truthfulness of pretribulationism this issue is of crucial importance...
Within contemporary dispensationalism, some are moving away from the generally held hermeneutical statements of Ryrie and Radmacher. Craig Blaising concluded "that consistently literal exegesis is inadequate to describe the essential distinctive of dispensationalism. Development is taking place on how to characterize a proper hermeneutic for dispensationalists." ...
Ever since the second century after Christ, many within the church have claimed that the church has forever replaced Israel. In the middle of the second century, Justin Martyr in his famous Dialogue with Trypho, A Jew called the church “the true Israelitic race” on the basis that “Christ is the Israel.” Justin goes on to say, “Such are the words of Scripture; understand, therefore, that the seed of Jacob now referred to is something else, and now, as may be supposed, spoken of your people...