Passage: Ezekiel 38-39
As we look deeply at this prophecy we see that God will put hooks into the jaws of Gog, who is the prince of Rosh, which we have seen is a reference to modern day Russia. Thus, Gog appears to be a Russian individual who will lead the Russian nation and her allies in an attack on regathered Israel. This is the basic situation that we see today as we scan the geo-political landscape. The stage is already set for just such an attack.
Passage: Ezekiel 38-39
As we continue to look at the description of the weapons and mode of transportation that will be used by Gog and his invading force, we must let the text tell us what it means. "A vivid picture is given of the actual attack of the Russian forces," declares William Hull. "Great tanks, mechanized troop carriers, huge guns and all the latest in war equipment move as a mighty wave across the land," he says. Hull concludes: "Ezekiel describes this as: All of them riding upon horses. Here again Bible students have been lead astray by placing the emphasis upon what they are to be mounted on, rather than the fact that they are to be mounted." ...
Passage: Ezekiel 38-39
Verses five and six complete the allies that will attack Israel with their leader Gog. The identity of the first ally appears to be very clear since its ancient name is widely known down through history, even in our own day. Persia refers to the Persian people who make up a majority of the modern country of Iran. There is consensus among futurists that historic Persia clearly refers to modern Iran. "The name Persia, which was written all over the pages of ancient history, was changed to Iran in foreign usage in March 1935," notes Mark Hitchcock.
Passage: Ezekiel 38-39
There is one final entity listed as among those going down to attack Israel with Gog. Beth-togarmah is the last nation listed...
Passage: Ezekiel 38-39
The first six verses of Ezekiel's prophecy in chapter 38 outlined "who" would be involved in an invasion of Israel, while verses 7–9 tell us "where" and "when" these events will take place. This new section (verses 7–9) begins with a taunt from God for Gog and his coalition to make sure that they are really ready for their invasion of Israel...