
The Pre-Trib.org website is designed to enable you to browse the archive of articles of the annual Pre-Trib Research Center study group conferences and other writings. The articles can be viewed (and searched) online or downloaded in PDF version for convenient offline reading or printing.

“Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,” Titus 2:13.


The Pre-Trib Research Center
P.O. Box 176
Godfrey, IL. 62035
(940) 597-8814

Speaking Engagements for Thomas Ice

Register Online

27th Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference

Remembering the Holocaust on Israel’s 70th Anniversary

December 3–5, 2018 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Irving, Texas

View the 2018 Pre-Trib Conference page for additional information.

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Conference Registration

You may register for the conference online here or you may mail in your registration by following the instructions in the conference brochure. When using the online form, the indicates a required field.

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Explanation of Fees

  • The standard conference fee is $135 on or before November 24 and includes the conference registration as well as the banquet.
  • The conference fee after November 24 is $150. After December 1 the conference fee does NOT include the banquet. Walk-ins at the door will no longer be accepted.
  • Your spouse can attend the conference for FREE, but you must purchase a banquet ticket (below) in order for her to attend the banquet.
  • The student registration is $0. It does NOT include a banquet ticket, which can be purchased below.

Please select a standard, standard plus wife, or student registration

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In addition to the normal registration fees, you may also make a donation in support of the Pre-Trib Research Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID: 82-1205868).
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Once you have completed the form and successfully passed the robot check, you will be transferred to the credit card processing page. Please wait while this page processes your payment and successful registration. It may take up to a minute to process. In addition to the confirmation page, you will receive a confirmation e-mail as well.


Download the conference brochure.

Hotel reservations at the Sheraton Grand

Register by Mail

To register for the conference by mail, please download the conference brochure, fill out the form, and mail it to:

The Pre-Trib Research Center
Calvary University
15800 Calvary Road
Kansas City, MO  64147


  • Search Feature

    UPDATE: Website Search Feature

    The Search feature on the Pre-Trib.org has been fixed. Please click on the SEARCH button in the upper right corner to access the site's search feature and then follow the instructions on the Search page.

  • Did You Know?

    Did You Know?

    There is a link for you to view an “Articles” page that is similar to the one you were able to access on the previous version of the Pre-Trib.org website.

    You can find this link by going to the menu bar beneath the top banner, hover on ARTICLES and in the drop-down menu click on ALL ARTICLES on the left side of the drop-down menu (or click here).

  • Did You Know?

    Did You Know?

    A new feature on the website enables you to hover your mouse over a Scripture reference and the Scripture will appear in a pop-up box—a time-saving tool for your study of the Pre-Trib Rapture. Check it out in the articles posted on this site.