Breaking the Apocalypse Code
Breaking the Apocalypse Code
Breaking the Apocalypse Code: Putting the Bible Answer Man to the Tet
In his book, The Apocalypse Code, Hank Hanegraaff, host of the Bible Answer Man program, claims to have devised a new method of interpreting biblical prophecy that he calls exegetical eschatology or e squared. He claims to have found the code to Revelation. But has he?
Breaking the Apocalypse Code is an eye-opening evaluation of Hanegraaff’s book that answers these key questions and many more: Is Hanegraaff’s new method valid? Does he apply his own method consistently? Where does his methodology lead? What does he actually believe? How should we interpret Bible prophecy?
Breaking the Apocalypse Code is much more than just a critique. It provides solid, biblical answers to questions that people everywhere are asking about the end times: Will the Antichrist die and come back to life? What about modern Israel? What is the identity of Babylon the Great in Revelation 17–18? Will Moses and Elijah appear in the end times? Breaking the Apocalypse Code will give you the practical keys you need to properly interpret Bible prophecy and will reignite your passion for the blessed hope.