Recently I just completed teaching through the Book of Revelation.[1] Something that really struck me this time through the book was the emphasis throughout of God’s creatures who rejoice and acknowledge the righteousness of God’s judgment throughout the tribulation and at the second coming. There is a sense throughout Revelation that God’s judgmental intervention into history is long overdue when it finally arrives. However, I think many of us often look at God’s future judgment as sad for those who receive His severe blows, but that is not the attitude advocated in heaven when believers are commanded to rejoice in Revelation 18:20...
Long before Hal Lindsey wrote The Road To Holocaust2, he was the favorite whipping boy of Dominionist/Reconstructionists in their never ending attacks on the system of theology they most love to hate—Dispensationalism. When Lindsey answered back in The Road To Holocaust, the temperature of the debate boiled over into heated response. In spite of all of the huffing and puffing and cry that Lindsey struck a low blow in his characterization of Dominion/Reconstruction theology, I want to state why I believe that Hal is correct.
On May 14, 2008, God's nation Israel, in its modern incarnation, turned sixty years old. I want to wish the Jewish state, "Happy Birthday," as do most of you. It has been a glorious beginning with the founding and development of the nation until around the 1980s when things have seemed to regress since then. At age sixty, Israel appears to be on the precipice with multiplied dangers all around her...
In February 1999 I attended the Ligonier Ministries National Conference with about 4,000 other people in Orlando, Florida. Ligonier is the ministry of Dr. R. C. Sproul. I attended because for the first time in 30 years the topic was on Bible Prophecy. Guess what? The predominate view, led by Dr. Sproul, was that most of what you and I believe to be future prophecies have already been fulfilled by first century events. This view now being champion by Dr. Sproul and others is known as preterism...
If you are a believer who has trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour for the purpose of Him forgiving your sins, then your eternal destiny is secure. You have a home at some point in the future in heaven. But what is heaven and where is it located? I will examine in this article the basics concerning the biblical teachings about heaven...