The current situation in Israel is one of constant tension and turmoil. Yet in the midst of Arab aggression and opposition, it appears that Jewish interest in rebuilding their Temple continues to grow. In the last few months there have been a number of events that have taken place that appears to be ratcheting up the interest level of the Temple movement in Israel among Jews. One of the more interesting developments has been the reestablishment of the Sanhedrin after 1600 years of absence...
When the question is posed: "Is Jesus a socialist?" The clear answer is "Of course not!" The claim that Jesus was a socialist was recently posed by Gregory Paul in The Washington Post who tries to argue for a biblically mandated socialism from the early chapters of Acts. Paul’s claims are nothing new and have likely arisen out of the overall debate our nation is involved in concerning socialism vs. free markets.
Recently, pre-wrath advocate Marvin Rosenthal wrote that the pre-trib rapture was of Satanic origin and unheard of before 1830. "To thwart the Lord's warning to His children, in 1830," proclaims Rosenthal, "Satan, the 'father of lies,' gave to a fifteen-year-old girl named Margaret MacDonald a lengthy vision." Rosenthal gives no documentation, he merely asserts that this is true. However, he is wrong. He is undoubtedly relying upon the questionable work of Dave MacPherson...
Passage: Isaiah 17
The last three years has seen a clear heightening of tensions between Syria and Israel. Over a year ago, Israel clandestinely bombed a Syrian nuclear facility that was being operated in conjunction with North Korea. Needless to say, such a venture did not make Syria very happy with the Jewish state. Syria has spent over three billion dollars the last few years strengthening most aspects of her military, anticipating an eventual conflict with Israel...
Passage: Isaiah 24:21-23
I have always been fascinated by Isaiah’s "Little Apocalypse," which is chapters 24 through 27. When I was nineteen, I remember riding in a car with a friend and trying to convince him that Isaiah 24:1–6 referred to the pollution of the 1960s and 1970s. It was not! I was taking that passage out of its context. It speaks of the mounting sin that will be judged during the seven-year tribulation, a time future to our day.