It has often been said of John Nelson Darby (1800–1882) that he is the most famous person most people have never heard about. Said another way, he is the most influential Christian leader that many know nothing about. Darby is rightly considered the father of modern dispensationalism and pretribulationism. He was one of the founders and the most influential personalities of the Brethren movement...
A new movie version of Tim LaHaye’s and Jerry Jenkins’ Left Behind novel is scheduled for release in movie theaters on October 3, 2014. This version features Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage cast in the role of pilot Rayford Steele. The announcement of this movie release has lead to a number of articles critical of the pretribulational rapture. Morgan Lee produced a piece primarily quoting William Craig, a Philosophy professor at historically pretribulational Talbot School of Theology in Southern California. Another article appeared a week later: “Nine Reasons Why John Piper Disagrees with Nicolas Cage’s ‘Left Behind’ Movie’s View of Rapture.”[2] Apparently a number of folks within the Evangelical community are concerned that the new movie may have a great impact upon the thinking of the Christian community, so they are trying to get a head start on bashing the biblical basis for our blessed hope...
Passage: Revelation 3:10
Critics of the pretrib rapture position often say that we cannot produce one single passage that teaches our position. I believe that Revelation 3:10 is a verse which answers their challenge. Of course they neglect the fact that they cannot produce one single passage teaching their view either...
I believe that God is currently setting the stage for events that will take place after the rapture, during the tribulation. Israel is back in her land and being postured to sign what Isaiah calls "a covenant with death" (Isa. 28:15,18) that will commence the tribulation (Dan. 9:26,27). The other party to that covenant will be a Revived Roman Empire, centered in Europe. I think that the current war in Yugoslavia is making a contribution to the stage-setting for the post-rapture period of history...
Peter warns us in his second and final epistle that mockers would arise in the last days denying our Lord’s second advent. What is the Apostle Peter saying in this passage? Are we currently living in the "last days" of which he spoke? Who are the mockers to which Peter is referring?