Opponents of pretribulationism have often tried to "poison the well" by contending that a pre-trib understanding of the Bible is novel and/or has sprung from a polluted source. However, the last few years have witnessed the discovery of voices from the past testifying to a two-stage return of Christ. The latest pre-Darby voice to join the chorus is that of an early American Baptist pastor and educator, Morgan Edwards (1722–95)...
About five years ago I was involved in a debate at the Oxford University Forum in England dealing with the question: “This house believes the end is nigh!” I was arguing in the affirmative. I made three major points to support my contention that the end is nigh. First, I noted the reestablishment of the nation of Israel. No other people in the history of the world have ever been removed from their homeland, scattered across the globe, maintained their ethnic identity, and then returned to their original homeland. No one has ever done this except Israel, God’s nation. Second, for the first time in history, ...
Next to the U. S. elections, the top story the last year (2000) in the American media has been the ongoing saga of the so-called "peace process" between Israel and the Arabs, popularly known as "Palestinians." This, of course, is not surprising to those of us who take a literal view of Bible prophecy, since Israel is at the center of imminent future events. However, I am constantly annoyed by the steady stream of myths and propaganda that streams from the global media, often misinforming the world about the modern land of Israel. This month I want to demythologize a number of popular notions ...
A history of the rapture is of necessity a history of pretribulationism, since most other views do not distinguish between the two phases of Christ’s return—the rapture and second advent. The partial rapture and midtribulationism have been developed only within the past 100 years.
Last issue I began a look at myths of the origins of the pre-trib rapture. This issue I conclude that study...