Russian President Vladimir Putin has shocked the world by inviting the radical Islamic terrorist organization, Hamas, to visit Russia. Putin has said that Russia never considered Hamas to be a terrorist organization. Even the French have not gone that far. Russia is developing very strong relations with Iran and Syria, two of the Islamic nations that are most militant in their policies against Israel and the United States. Why is this development potentially important for Bible prophecy? ...
Hardly a week goes by that I don' t receive material opposing the pre-trib rapture which is filled with all kinds of error, both Scriptural and historical. For example, I ran across an article entitled "Origin of the Secret Rapture Theory." The first sentence said, "It may surprise and even shock you that neither the word 'rapture' nor the teaching of a secret rapture is not mentioned in ANY Christian literature prior to 1830—including the Bible!" I am hardly surprised or shocked that anyone could pack so much error into a single sentence, ...
In 1992 Randall Price and I wrote a book about current efforts in Israel to rebuild Israel's Third Temple called Ready to Rebuild. One of the key Israelis leading the charge to build Israel's next Temple, that we featured in the book is a man named Dr. Gershon Salomon. Dr. Salomon is head of an organization called The Temple Mount Faithful which he founded to do anything they can to attempt to rebuild the Jewish Temple...
On Friday, September 25, 2015 I debated Alan Kurschner at the Hope Center in Plano, Texas just north of Dallas. I presented and defended the case for our Blessed Hope, the pre-trib rapture, while Kurschner argued for what he calls the pre-wrath rapture. (Pretribulationism also believes that the Church will be raptured before the wrath of God is revealed.) ...
Passage: Revelation 12
Some critics of our futuristic views of Bible prophecy say that the New Testament does not speak prophetically about a future national Israel. "There is not a single verse in the New Testament that supports the claim that there is prophetic significance in Israel's restoration as a nation," declares replacement theologian Gary DeMar...