Passage: Revelation 5
The pre-trib rapture teaching was introduced by Jesus in John 14:1–3 and is primarily taught in the Pauline Epistles; however, since it is true and part of God’s plan, then one would expect the Book of Revelation to reflect this view. I believe Revelation does provide evidence that pretribulationism is presumed to be true and part of God’s plan for the Church. In this article I will be stating some of reasons why Revelation reflects a pre-trib scenario and then I will examine more closely the evidence in Revelation 5 for pretribulationism...
Passage: Daniel 12:4
One of the most popular interpretations of an Old Testament prophetic passage within our prophecy circles is the view that Daniel 12:4 relates to contemporary times. At one time I held and taught this view, until I studied the passage more in-depth. When studied in its context, Daniel 12:4 refers to the fact that during the tribulation period, many Jewish people will study the prophesies of Daniel and come to faith in the Messiah...
It is very interesting what has been happening in Iran the last few years and especially since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been elected President. Not only has Iran caused great concern among many world leaders with pursuit of a nuclear program but President Ahmadinejad has shown that he would know what to do with nuclear weapons if Iran is allowed to actually bring them on line. Virtually all geo-political experts believe that tense moments lie ahead as the world wonders what to do about this building threat...
The 2006 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference focused on Post Modernism and dispensationalism. One of the things we learned is that Post Moderns do not believe in absolute truth, which explains why they usually talk about how they feel about things. After all if there is no absolute truth then everything is relative to how an individual feels about things. These folks are often repulsed when someone makes declarations based upon the truth of God's Word...
During the last couple of years, the most frequently asked question I have heard at prophecy conferences, relates to salvation in the Tribulation. It goes something like this: "If a lost person hears, understands and rejects the Gospel before the Tribulation, would he or she be able to be saved during the Tribulation?" Some think the answer is "No," while others think it is "Yes." ...