Is Bible prophecy being fulfilled today? Are there signs of the times? Other than items relating to the current process of Israel’s return to her land, I don' t think Bible prophecy is being fulfilled during the church age in which we currently live. However, there are clear signs of the times that indicate we could be near the start of the tribulation and the Lord’s Return. Let me explain...
Forerunners to some of our prophecy beliefs today can be found in a group of British Protestants in the early 1600’s. Specifically we look to the Puritans as our prophetic forefathers, especially in relation to our beliefs about the future of Israel. These spokesmen began pursuing the questions of what does God have in store for national Israel, the Jewish people as a nation? One such person was Sir Henry Finch (1558-1625) who wrote a seminal book on the topic. His life underwent a dramatic change after the release of his book about Israel...
During the first half of World War II General Douglas MacArthur was forced to leave the Philippines in the Pacific Theater by the Japanese. Upon his departure he made a promise to the Filipino people: "I will return." General MacArthur, through the strength and power of the American military was able to keep his promise. If humanity can make and keep promises of rescue and deliverance, how much more will our great God keep the glorious and incomparable promises He has made in His Word! Indeed, He has told us that He will one day return and fulfill the great and many promises about the glorious future in store for those who know Him as their Savior...
Is there any relationship between the events of which we read, hear, and see in the daily news and biblical prophecy? You better believe there is a relationship! Just as when we are traveling and see signs beside the highway to tell us what to expect on the road ahead; so also, does the Bible speak about signs of the times to point to events of the future. But, just how do these signs appear to us today and how do we at the apparent end of the church age relate prophetically to them? These and other questions are issues I hope to deal with in this paper...
Henry Ford is reported to have said, "history is one damn thing after another." For the non-Christian history is merely a random sequence of meaningless events. In a nutshell, this is the belief of the professional secular historian. They may be good at chronicling these alleged random events, but when it comes to finding the meaning and significance of major events, this is the exclusive domain of the Bible-believing Christian. When it comes to explaining why the events of September 11, 2001 occurred in history, the Bible, especially Bible prophecy, provide a framework for making sense of this tragic mess...