The sweep of human history, as revealed in God’s Word, begins with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. History is moving toward the New Jerusalem, in the new heavens and new earth, which will become the eternal state of believers. There are a lot of important events in the interim, but it is important to know where we came from and where we are going...
Preterist Gary DeMar has written a book critical of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ Left Behind series entitled End Times Fiction. DeMar is jealous of the fact that people have responded to a fictionalized version of a dispensational prophecy scenario while rejecting his own misguided belief that these prophetic events were really fulfilled when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and Israel’s Second Temple in the first century. Apparently, in an attempt to jazz up his dusty old view, DeMar creates some fiction of his own in his book and subsequent articles about Tim LaHaye. I guess you could say that DeMar’s recent book is aptly titled End Times Fiction...
No matter how the problems of today are defined, increasingly the world believes that the only viable solutions are of a global nature. Everywhere we turn, globalism is being talked about and touted as the only answer to mankind’s problems. I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. LaHaye’s recent comment that "Two of the signs all pre-trib prophecy scholars most watch for are Israel and global government." No doubt that Israel is God’s super sign of the end-times. And in concert with Israel’s recent rise is the development of a global consciousness for the first time since the Tower of Babel...
I recently engaged in a debate (May 26, 2006) against preterist Gary DeMar on the topic of "The Great Tribulation: Past or Future?" One of the points I made in favor of the tribulation as a future time was that one of the biblically defined purposes for that seven-year period, as it relates to Israel, did not occur in the first century. So just what is God's purpose for Israel during the tribulation?
Over the years I have done dozens of radio and television interview shows which include a time where listeners are permitted to call in with their questions about Bible prophecy. Since I am director of an organization that researches, teaches, and defends the pretribulational rapture teaching, I get many questions and comments relating to that subject. It is not hard to detect questions and comments that flow from an individual who is biblically informed verses those who speak from a position of mere human whim or opinion...